NuLifeRX is a division of IntegriSure Healthcare Alliance focusing on the individual. IntegriSure Healthcare Alliance is a healthcare company that puts the doctor/patient relationship at the center of our vision. We also realize that physical health is only a small part of total well-being.
There are 5 AREAS to total well-being that the NuLifeRX Institute covers through training, coaching, and mentoring through our Equal Partner Program, which includes the patient/employee, caregivers, family, employers, insurance companies, hospital systems, pharmaceuticals, and states.
- Physical Health
By teaching individuals the importance of being responsible for their own health will put them in control and help their employers control costs.
- Mental Health
This is the most misdiagnosed and misunderstood part of the total well-being of the 5 AREAS.
- Financial Health
Financial problems are a major cause of many illnesses.
- Social Health
How people see themselves contribute greatly on their success or misfortune in life.
- Spiritual Health
As a Judeo/Christian company we know that this is a MAJOR part of making every area work.